Hyderabad Day

Hyderabad Sky

A friend complained on Orkut that I have stopped blogging. Maybe not, but then the frequency is definitely down.

What do people talk about when they have nothing to talk about? They talk about “weather “! So the weather in Hyderabad has been playing games; in the morning the sun is shining with all its ferocity and during late afternoons we have rains. Not the torrential kind though but the infamous cyclonic ones of the East Coast. In fact they are quite dangerous as I read in the papers today. A huge billboard crashed on top of an ice cream parlour and killed a man. Ouch!

Had a long weekend last week. Went to Abids along with a friend and his parents and roamed the market, finished an ebook on Old Greek Stories on my Palm handheld, watched a play at Hi-Tec City Convention Center and generally fooled around. Also read a little more about XAML and WPF from Windows Presentation Foundation & Unleashed. Pretty interesting stuff, one should really read it to gain a perspective about a completely new paradigm of programming.